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Jalan-jalan di Hari Jumaat

Last Friday, my parents tutup their clinic because birthday Sultan Johor. So, kene la tutup if not nanti kene saman. My parents nak cari barang2 kat Uniqlo and the nearest is at Alamanda. Melaka belum ada lagi Uniqlo. Maybe this coming December akan buka one outlet at Dataran Pahlawan.

So, we went to KL la on that Friday. By the time sampai dah Friday prayer. we went to Bandar Baru Bangi first and dropped my father at masjid nearby. Then, we went to Siti Khadijah boutique.

I bought a denim telekung. Dark colour so senang la nak gune kan nanti. And for my umrah later too. InsyaAllah. My mom bought the denim telekung too and some tudungs. My sis bought some tudungs. I wanted to buy a jubah but their designs and colours are limited so x jadi la kan.

Then, we went straight to Alamanda. Tak sempat la nak lunch kat area BBB kan coz Ayser dah poo poo ngn incident tangan terkepit kat pintu plakkan. Terberrr terus. Nak kene mencari baby room so terus ke Alamanda.

Sampai2 je terus g Baby Room then baru la ke Uniqlo. Lunch belum lagi ni. Shopping sakan la mereka kan. Ayser plak dok sebok posing ngan sunglasses. Sumer jenis sunglasses dia try la kan. Berkejaran ngn dia nak snap photos and ambik balik the sunglasses.

My sis spent about RM350 alone. My parents 1K++. Haha. I only bought fleece jacket in pink! My dad cakap macam baju tido jek. But bila try nampak ok je x de la mcm baju tido. Japanese style kan. Haha.

Lepas shopping terus g cari makan sebab dah lapar sangat. Ayser pon dh kelaparan. Ngamuk la apa lg kan. After that, we ols terus balik Melaka. My journey the next day pun to Putrajaya again. Haihhh. Kepenatan that weekend.

Source: Uniqlo

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