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The Milk Story Storage Bag

Salam and Good Day to all.

How's your last 10 days of fasting? Hope still maintain ok. Raya mood dah sure tengah happening kan kan kan!

I was quite bz these few days. Dgn dtg office dok lambat jek sbb traffic jam yang luar biasa....mmg bikin hati panas je...sabar je la di bulan Ramadhan ni tau.

Ok, i nak show show this milk storage bag...from The Milk Story, Lunatots

Size dia 6oz jek. So senang la nak simpan sbb kecik2 jek bole penyek2 jadi rata laa..Klo 12oz nye xleh letak full mesti kembung kan....haha

So, gune yang 6oz nye kan senang.

Ni rupe kotaknya....this month August klo beli Pa & Ma ada promotion yekkkk...sapa nak promo tu kene beli Pa & Ma la k.

Cantik x i buat gune Apps kt iPhone..haha..

Nak beli tak? I bole tolong uols belikan or uols bole dapatkan kt Lunatots yerkk...


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    #1 by bibi yusof - August 10, 2012 at 1:44 PM

    shah.. ko ni dah jadi spokesperson lunatots ker?

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    #2 by Aishah Noordin - August 10, 2012 at 1:53 PM

    bibi: hahaha..xde nama nye xde keje nk citer kt nnti insyaAllah ada rezeki bole gak jd entrepreneur cam Kak Sue...hahaha

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