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Sharing Is Caring: Tips for Long-Distance Driving During Festive Season

Hari Raya Aidilfitri is just around the corner. How's your preparation for Raya?

For us, is just simple only. This year, we'll be going back to Kedah to celebrate our Raya. Since this is the first time for us Raya with a baby, we couldn't expect how it will be during the journey to Kedah. I read tips from Babycenter for this long-distance journey.

Traffic and road travel essentials
Make sure you have a mobile phone charger that can be plugged into the cigarette lighter hold.

Programme these numbers into your mobile, in case of emergencies:

Automobile Association Malaysia emergency breakdown service, 03-21610808.

Plusronda, 1800-88-0000. Plus Expressways Berhad's 24-hour emergency telephones are situated every 2km on the highways.

The Integrated Transport Information System provides up-to-the-minute reports on road closures and traffic announcements. It also has a complete list of telephone numbers for toll concessionaries and public transport providers. You can also view their live video streams from numerous traffic locations in and around the Klang Valley.

Similarly, if you have a smartphone, there are various free apps and mobile sites you can use to monitor the traffic situation, including Waze and Google Maps Traffic.

Safety and comfort during the drive
If you haven't already got a car seat for your baby, now's the time to buy one. Its use may not be mandated by law here, but in most developed countries, all babies must travel in an infant carrier or car seat. Toddlers sit in their child or booster seats.

This is because research has proven that children are safer in their car seats than in an adult's arms or lap. Universiti Putra Malaysia's Road Safety Research Centre, in a report on road accidents in Malaysia, acknowledges that child restraints have been shown to prevent injuries to occupants in the event of a crash. We have more information on choosing, buying and fitting them in our section on car seats.

Safety aside, this is also where your baby will be the most comfortable, especially if you are facing a long drive. Even the most devoted carer will get tired holding a baby for hours in the relatively cramped condition of a car.

Plan travel times
An increasing number of people now begin their drive home in the late evening, at night or even in the wee hours of the morning. Travel authorities encourage this by implementing toll-free periods and discounts for low-peak travel on the highways during certain hours. Watch out for these special promotions in national newspapers and other media.

To take advantage of this, you could give baby a leisurely dinner and bath, then tuck her into the car seat at her usual bedtime. Bring along a selection of her favourite lullabies. With any luck, she will be asleep before you hit the first toll booth.

You will likely still hit pockets of heavy traffic, so the usual safety precautions apply.

Take advantage of rest stop facilities
Many major highways in Malaysia have rest stop areas along them. In Peninsular Malaysia, for example, there are numerous rest stops along the North-South Expressway (NSE). For safety reasons, you may wish to skip the smaller stops and stick to bigger, busier stops, especially at night. The bigger ones, such as the Ayer Keroh and Tapah stops, are equipped with amenities and conveniences, including:

  • toilets
  • rest areas
  • restaurants, food stalls and cafes
  • souvenir shops
  • surau

These stops are great for adults to stretch their legs and take a break, but unfortunately, they are not generally child-friendly. Keep these tips in mind:
If you have toddlers or older children, never leave them unsupervised in the car.

If you are breastfeeding and are not comfortable doing so in public, you can feed your baby in the car.

Nappy-changing facilities are practically non-existent (if any, they will probably not be as clean as you would like), so you will need to do the necessary in your car as well.

Bigger rest stops may have a fast food restaurant with a kids' menu, but the local eateries in these rest stops won't have them. You may want to bring your own snacks and food.

Hope these tips also will help u guys!!! This is not meant for festive season only. Other journey also you can apply the tips.


Source: Babycenter

  1. gravatar

    #1 by Allan - November 1, 2012 at 6:53 PM

    Good tips. I will follow them on events I handle myself and manage the parties.



    vehicle transportation

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