Online Shopping from UK
Posted by ZuLaiShah in Shopping/Fashion on Monday, October 07, 2013
Salam and good day...
Have u experienced online shopping internationally from UK?
I have bought these two items thru FB page - Shopping di UK. This is my first time bought appliances online internationally from UK. I bought few months back and received them last week actually.
The first one is a mini fridge 4L in shocking pink. Purpose this fridge actually nk store my EBM during office hour for my next job just in case if the new office is not breastfeeding friendly. Other than that, bole gune in the car sebab ada car charger cable. So can be used to store cold beverages kan for our long journey or store food Ayser ke kan. This fridge pon bole gune warm mode. Kire dual mode la ni. Haven't tried it yet. Later la if rajin and tak lupa i review yer. :)

This entry was posted on Monday, October 07, 2013 at 8:00 AM and is filed under Shopping/Fashion. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.
# by bibi yusof - October 7, 2013 at 9:18 AM
shah... comey giler mini fridge pink color... nak gak..
yg pisau tu.. ptg semalam aku tgk rancangan masak masak babas tu ingat tajuk per.. die gune sebijik cam pisau ko ni.. aku dgn excited nye ckp kt laki aku.. tu pisau aishah tu.. hahaha
# by Aishah Noordin - October 8, 2013 at 12:46 AM
Bibi: comelkan... Haha. Nnti aku tnykn ada lg ke x fridge tu
Rancangan apa ko tgk tu? Nk tau gak sbb nk tgk cara
btl org tu pakai. Aku men belasah je
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