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Beraya di Kedah #1

Salam and Good Day.

Still in raya mood? Alhamdulillah. This year dapa balik ke Kedah for Aidiladha. We went back on Sunday so alhamdulillah the journey went smoothly. No traffic jam. We ols gerak from Melaka around 7.30am camtu. Sampai SP around 2pm.

Lepak2 jap at my grandma's house then we checked-in hotel nearby je. The house is full i mean memang xde bilik la klo dok situ so we decided to stay at hotel je. Every time balik Kedah pon memang camni.

Ni Ayser beriya nak main this small guitar. I lupe the name. haha.

Dah checked-in rest la kan sbb penat dok dlm keta half of the day. Then after maghrib we ols went out for dinner kat Restoran Saraa. It's a Thai restaurant. The food was ok ok la. Maybe coz that nite too many people so dorang nak cptkan. Supposed sedap la according to my aunt.

After that, singgah kejap rumah my aunt coz situ ada banyak kucing. Ayser kan animal lover so nak bagi dia tgk kucing. Haa dah berkejaran ngn kucing dibuatnya. Kucing sumer takut kat dia. Later i'll upload his video.

Then, dah lewat we ols pon balik to hotel. Ok, cont later for next entry :)

Salam Qurban~

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