Experiment on Homemade Oatmeal & Brown Rice
Posted by ZuLaiShah in Ayser Zarif, BabyHood, Parenting Hood, Solid Food on Thursday, October 18, 2012
Salam and Good Day to all..
Pergghhh....sangat malas nak update entry lately...ada je story nye..just nak update kat sini ngn edit gambar tu yg kemalasan tuh...
By the way...my baby dah pun start solid food...actually since he was 6 months...tapi time tu cam x constantly makan. bagi kenal2 food jek...selebihnya susu jek..next entry nanti i'll story on his solid food meals ye.
Ok..I memang sangat confuse nak prepare homemade grains for baby. Especially oatmeal. Brown rice i follow la the steps sumer mommies suggest tuh. But oatmeal ni cam pelik sket.
Grains memang kene rendam dulu untuk buang asid phytic tu..more info sile rujuk di http://rendambijirin.blogspot.com/
Ni Oatmeal yang i gune. The one in green.
N ni brown rice yang i gune.
First time buat oatmeal, i follow steps cam brown rice tu..
- Rendam 8 jam with normal water + acidic liquid (lemon, applesauce etc ). I guna lemon jek senang.
- Then, i toskan and sangaikan oatmeal tuh (goreng tanpa minyak) - time ni problem nak goreng sebab melekat-lekat
- Biarkan sejuk and simpan dalam fridge - i x blend lagi sebab still cam basah2 lagi.
- Oatmeal Powder - I blend dulu oats nye then i amek sikit powder oats tu rendam ngan air + lemon
- Oatmeal Raw - I terus rendam dengan air + lemon for 8 hrs.
- Oatmeal Powder - i toskan then rinse then terus masak for 10 minutes - 15 minutes. Then i fridgekan sikit freezekan sikit...nak tengok the outcome.
- Oatmeal Raw - i toskan and biarkan kering for 1 day.
- Brown Rice - i toskan and sangai and blend tapi x habis blend lagi sampai today. simpan dalam tupperware
- Oatmeal Powder - successful. My baby dah makan dah pon yang i fridgekan la...i panaskan balik secara steam then campur dgn other puree.
- Oatmeal Raw - After 1 day tos....tetap x kering gak. Pastu bau masam so i ingat dah x elok..i terus buang hahaha.
- Brown Rice- Belom masak lagi...still dalam proses blend lagi...x menyempat nyempat lagi
- Oatmeal Powder - i prefer blend the oats tu dulu then simpan dalam bekas kedap udara. Bile nak gune amek mana yg perlu then rendam 8 jam, toskan then masak.
- Oatmeal Raw - if uols prefer this step, ni sesuai klo nak masak terus...xleh simpan2 before masak. klo nak blend tu x sure la cmne maybe lps dh masak and kembang secukup nya la kot.
- Brown Rice - will update later.
Haaa....abes dah eksperimenku...hehehe...brown rice tu akan di citer kemudian k.
Hope this will help uols too hihi ;)
Image Source: BizRice, Malaysia Price Checker

This entry was posted on Thursday, October 18, 2012 at 8:30 AM and is filed under Ayser Zarif, BabyHood, Parenting Hood, Solid Food. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.
# by bibi yusof - October 18, 2012 at 10:41 AM
shah very good info.. aku pon terpikir nk write entry pasal brown rice.. tp mls pulak.. ok next time if i dont use instant oatmeal.. aku wat cam ko buat...
hahaha bile ntah instant oatmeal tu nak habes! hahahaha
so asyer, contantly eat rice/oatmeal everyday ker...
# by Aishah Noordin - October 18, 2012 at 10:47 AM
Bibi: Ayser baru makan oats tp tu la sejak 2 menjak ni dia cam mlm xmo makan sgt....pastu kol 3 pagi bgn melalak cam x selesa...nk tumbuh gigi kot.....
brown rice aku blm start lg...nk try mlm ni...haha
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