Your Ultimate Ramadan Staycation Malaysia
6 days ago
Posted by ZuLaiShah in BabyHood, Information/Knowledge, Parenting Hood, Travel on Thursday, August 16, 2012
Salam & Good Day to all
Have you packed your things for balik kampung? We are still in the midst of packing!!! We'll be going back to Kedah on Saturday, early in the morning maybe before Subuh to avoid massive traffic jam. I got this checklist from Babycenter. Maybe you can add more on this checklist later.
Nappies One for each hour you'll be in transit, plus extras in case of emergencies or delays | |
Baby blanket(s)Bring at least one for comfort, shade and warmth | |
Resealable plastic bags Pack some medium-sized ones for stashing dirty nappies, clothes and bibs - belum prepare lagi | |
Nappy rash cream | |
Baby wipes | |
Baby bath and lotion | |
Tissues | |
Clothes One to two outfits per day. Pack cotton layers for travelling | |
Washable bibs | |
Bottles | |
Sun hat and sun screen (at least sun protection factor 20) - hmm perlu ke eh? | |
Food, formula, water and/or juiceBring more than you think you'll need for the trip, as you can't predict travel delays. Don't forget bottles and beakers, too | |
Breast pumpFor expressing breast milk | |
Nightlight For night-time feeds and nappy changes - our journey plan is on daytime but bole la bawak torchlight as backup | |
Baby slingLightweight and easy to pack. One study showed that babies who were carried in a sling or in their parents' arms cried less than other babies | |
Baby car seat for safe travel by car, plane, train, or busIt can double as an baby seat, too | |
This entry was posted on Thursday, August 16, 2012 at 8:30 AM and is filed under BabyHood, Information/Knowledge, Parenting Hood, Travel. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.
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