Nov 2013 Week 1 (4 Nov - 10 Nov)
Salam and Good Day u ols. This week, i started seriously our homeschooling activities. FYI, i refer and use the printables and information from 1+1+1=1. You can refer there too. I also refer to other blogs as well such as Little Tiger Growing Up. I might change the activities that suits my son.
At the moment, i'm referring to 1+1+1=1 because i need to get used to this kind of activities and be more creative :D.
For this week, we start from A. Each week 1 letter.
Letters of the Week = Aa
Object of the Week = Apple
Colour of the Week = Red
Theme of the Week = Fruits
I have prepared fake fruits to show to him later on and some letter A. For tot trays, i maintained some of the items from previous week. I just changed 1 tray only. So far, i still have 3 trays only coz of space issue. Later, will add more tot trays.
Although, i maintained same tot trays items, Ayser played with all the tot trays that i prepared for him. :D I'm happy with that. As usual, his focus is only around 5-10 minutes then he will make a mess :(
Please note that this is a week activities. Ayser might do the activity on the same day or different day. And this is very long post. Bare with me. :D
This was his first time using marker, so he was very excited and kept on doodling on the Main Letter sheet which i have laminated it so that can be used many times. Oh, by the way the marker i bought Crayola Washable Marker set from Toys r Us.
I guided him to trace the letter together then he kept on doodling and doodling.
Then, he played with the Tot Trays. This is cutting fruits activity. The other 2 Tot Trays he played other days but i did not take the pictures.
Find the apples sheet. We guided him to trace from apple to apple. Then, he scribbled the sheet happily. This activity took about 15 minutes for him to focus. Sometimes lesser than that. Depends on his mood. Anddd last week he was on fever so the activity delayed few days and i did not force him to 'study'. Let him played on his own - accompanied by me or hubby.
Dot Paint the apples sheet. Since we don't have the Do-A-Dot Marker or round stamper, I just asked Ayser to trace the A apple to apple. Similar to the above sheet.
And this was his artwork by the way. Scribbling and doodling! Haha. First time right.
What Starts with Aa? sheet. I told him the picture name and he followed me while busy scribbling the sheet.
Stamp the Letter sheet. I guided him how to stamp the A letter on the sheet. He was not really into it coz he wanted to play with the stamp pad! I bought the A-Z alphabet stamper from Melissa & Doug at Toys r Us.
Dot Paint the Letter sheet. I just guided him to circle the letters since we have no Do-A-Dot marker or round stamper.
Connect the Apples sheet. This one, i had to trace together with him from left to right. But, he did vice versa! Haha. And scribbling non stop.
Sequencing card. I did not cut the number separately. My mistakes actually. But it's ok still can be used and good also since easy to handle. We showed him the numbers and sequence, then he repeated us. I said "Apple, Mam mam, Finish!" - supposed eat right. My bad :D. Later, at night he took the cards and showed to my mom and dad and said "Apple, Mam mam (he tried to eat the apple picture), Finish!" Haha. So cute and i was very happy to see his progress.
3-piece Apple Puzzle. We showed him how to sort the puzzle. Then, he did on himself. Not so perfect but correct sequence. This is how the puzzle look in bigger picture.
By the way, i laminated the card and cut it out to three pieces of puzzle.
Lacing the Apple. This is my DIY version after printed out the apple picture.
I have tried to guided him many times actually. He managed to lace the apple but as usual focusing only 5 minutes. :( See he did halfway and ignored the apple. Never mind, try again next time.
Number 1-10 sheet. I will said out loud the number while pointing to the number. He scribbled and scribbled. Next time need to change idea for this numbering.
Apples Shapes sheet. I took out shape objects according to the sheet. I did not have all the shapes by the way. But he was very interested to play with. He put the shape according to the shape in the sheet. Some were correct. Some were wrong. But he tried many times and managed to get all correctly. Yeay! He did this activity many times. He loved it so much.
There were some sheets (Colored Apples & Shadow Matching) that i did not manage to finish them because of he was on fever for few days. For Vocabulary Development sheet i did not manage to take the picture :D
There were other activities that we did together as well that i did not take the picture such as reading books, tot trays activities, Baby Khalifah activity and Tag Junior activity.
I will be continuing the activities for this week with letter Bb. See whether i manage to finish all activites or not :D
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