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Back to Alexandria, Egypt

Last Saturday nite, we ols pegi KLIA sent my youngest sis went back to Alexandria, Egypt to continue her study.

Before that, sempat posing kan together. I pon time tu baru kuar from the house x sempat pakai kasut lagi. Posing aje la kan. Ayser bukannye dia layan bile org nk snap pictures.

Haa this pic baru dia tgk camera.  Pegi one car memang sempit2 la jugakkan dah semua nak ikut. Haha.

Her flight was at 3.30am. So, we went around 9pm and thought that counter dah bukak la kan. Rupe nya dlm kol 12am cmtu baru bukak. Mak haiiii ngn queue kemain panjang ngn Arab2 ni yg no menace. aduhaiii.....My sis plak dia terlupe nak web check-in haa amek la nk kene queue kan.

Settle check-in around 1.30am camtu. So after that memang nak kene balik la. Everyone dah mata kuyu dah kan. Sedih2 gak la my sis kan. Her final decision to further to Alex gak instead of Manipal coz of the Egypt issue kan. Hopefully sana no issue la kan.

Anyway, good luck sis!

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    # by bibi yusof - October 22, 2013 at 8:34 AM

    die belajar ape kt sana shah?

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    # by Aishah Noordin - October 22, 2013 at 1:29 PM

    Bibi: Dia blaja dentistry bib. Klo amek manipal dia kene turun 1 year sbb ada subject yg xde yg dia kene amek. so dia xmo la

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