Puteri Harbour Family Theme Park
Posted by ZuLaiShah in Ayser Zarif, Holiday, Parenting Hood, Solid Food, ToddlerHood on Saturday, September 21, 2013
Ok, we continue with the story.
The next morning tu memang siap awal. Even we went out around 9.30am. We ols pegi Puteri Harbour Family Theme Park which is located at Nusajaya. Nearby Legoland bagi dah penah pegi sana la kan. Indoor theme park ni dia 1 big building. 3 Level. Level 1 ada Sanrio Hello Kitty Town (we ols x pegi). Level 2 & 3 is for The Little Big Club. Kat Ground Floor ada Lat's Place, Poney, Toys R Us and Souvenir Shop.
For ticketing, bole beli online, via phone or over the counter. Price plak, as below:
Ticket Prices
Ticket Type
Regular Price
With MyKad
Sanrio Hello Kitty Town
Adults / Children
RM 75.00
RM 55.00
The Little Big Club
Adults / Children
RM 75.00
RM 55.00
2 Park Pass
Adults / Children
RM 110.00
RM 85.00
* MyKad refers to Malaysian identity cardholders
* Free Admission for kids under 3 years old.
* Free Admission for kids under 3 years old.
For more info, bole la tgk website dorang kan: http://playtime.com.my/
Ok, back to our story. Sampai2 je terus g kaunter tunjuk reference number to get the tickets. Since we all dah beli via phone coz time tu online system bengong. After that, pegi tu level 2 the entrance. But, before that ada security check ok. Outside food and drink memang xbole bawak masuk. But we ols sembunyikan hehe. Food for ayser and air kosong dia jek.
Sampai Level 2 je, ada byk la gambar2 yang menarik untuk di snap snap kannnnnn. Posing la apa lagi kan.
This is the entrance area of Level 2. Everybody akan dapat entertainment schedule for each character / theme. When we ols masuk je time tu around 11an. So ada Barney's Beach Party show at the blue stage area. Layan aje la the show dulu kan. Warm up sket. Ayser mmg blur abes time ni. haha.
While waiting for the show, camwhoring la kejap kan. See Ayser yang blurr tu. Bile show start memang dia tercengang la tengok Barney. Budak2 lain dah lompat2 dancing dah. Dia dok dalam stroller je.
Barney is singing and dancing! See the video. :)
Around 15 minutes jugak la the show tuh. Then, we ols pegi la dekat play area Barney. Mula laa seronok Ayser bermain. Bile dah start main, haa xingat dah kt orang. This area parents bole masuk sama nak jaga anak kan.
Time ni, hubby yang masuk layan Ayser. I dok tepi jek. Kaki sakit lagi kan...xde mood nak kejar2.
Sempat posing ngn Barney yang static. haha. Kat bawah tu sempat la posing ngn Barney mascot. Ada time2 yang character2 mascot akan kuar for meet and greet session. So, we ols sempat amek ngn Barney and Bob The Builder je. Pingu time tu dah ramai orang so x rajin dah.
After that, terus ke Bob The Builder's area. Haa situ x byk choice for toddler. More to kids la situ. Bole la main build the house kejap. Pastu kene roboh. Penat mommy susun. Ayser ngn budak mana tah roboh kan.....
Naik truck Bob The Builder and lepak2 jap kat situ.
Posing2 lagi ngn Bob The Builder.
Haa, time ni Bob The Builder mascot datang. Terus snap picture. I x rajin nak join. So mereka berdua aje la yang posing. hehe.
Then, we ols naik Level 3 for the ride pulak. Naik Thomas the Train, Bertie the Bus, Merry Go Round, Helicopter. Ada bumper car ngn apa tah lagi satu x ingat nama dia we ols x naik. And not really suitable for toddler kan.
Train ni naik 2 kali. First duduk kt depan sekali. Kepala train. Hamekkk mommy kene bongkok dok dlm tu...kecik je tempat dia. Haa sempat lagi posing before train gerak. 2nd time naik duduk nelakang sekali. haha.
Sempat posing ngn Thomas. Ayser's fav character. Then, we ols pegi lunch dekat area situ gak. Ada cafe. Beli je la apa yg ada kt situ kan. Lps2 tu sambung jap balik kat Level 2. Pegi kt area Angelina Ballerina. Ayser x de la nak pakai tutu skirt kan. Dia lari2 and pusing2 kt stage tu. haha.
Snap snap kat situ kejap then we ols pon balik. Singgah jap kt Gift shop n Toys R Us and solat. Then, zass terus balik Melaka. Luckily it is indoor theme park sebab hujan lebat kat luar.
Anyway, memang best la theme park ni. Bole pegi lagi nanti. hehe.
This entry was posted on Saturday, September 21, 2013 at 8:00 AM and is filed under Ayser Zarif, Holiday, Parenting Hood, Solid Food, ToddlerHood. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.
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