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Huggies Song?.. Daddy kena nyanyi?

The +tive sides of traffic jams.. It forces you to occupy yourself with something, most common things to do except picking your nose and stare the car next to you.... tuning to the RADIO..!! As I believed most Malaysian and the rest of the world did that, we did the same thing.. It somehow educate and update you on what's happening around the world.. not to forget the latest songs..

I heard this segment "Lindungi Baby-B Anda Dengan Huggies" in Hot FM, a local Malaysian radio station.  They are giving away RM100 cash together with huggies products worth the same amount. You only need to call and say the secret code, on top of that .............. jeng jeng jeng, you have to finish the song that was played for you.. Yup, singing Huggies song...

My dear wife, Mommy asked Daddy to participate in this 'challenge'. errkk.. me? singing on live Radio?.. Hadoih.. The hard part was when she said, "Demi Mr. Baby".. Yerla.. well........................... So, in order to satisfy Mommy and Mr. Baby, Daddy will do it!..

To prepare.. (ceh.. macam nak exam jer..) Daddy has to memorize the lyrics la.. It goes like this..

Huggies Lyrics

Oh si manja ku, yang ku cinta
Dengan Huggies mu kulit terjaga
Kering selesa, ruam pun tiada
Tidur juga sentiasa lena

Kau adalah...

Huggies Baby Baby's B, Huggies Baby Baby's B
Huggies Baby Baby's B, Huggies Baby Baby's B

Ku beri mu segala-galanya

Senyum manis mu, yang ku cinta
Lampin Huggies mu, yang kau suka
Rasa riang, rasa girang
Ku suka lihatmu sihat dan selesa

Kau adalah...

Huggies Baby Baby's B, Huggies Baby Baby's B
Huggies Baby Baby's B, Huggies Baby Baby's B

Ku beri mu segala-galanya

Ku inginmu sihat dan ceria

Huggies Song

Huggies Song with Video

Catchy tune jugak la.. What i can't stand the song was adapted from Justin Bieber 'baby' song.. Alamak..!

Be the lucky ones to hear me in radio.. If i managed to get thru la.. It should be somewhere between 5:00pm - 6:30pm on weekdays..

Daddy The BEST Laa..!!!!

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