At nite...we had to attend Wedding...kire my second cousin's wedding. We had to fetch my parents at petrol station and brought them to Blue Wave Hotel....where the wedding held!
Ni pon kire sampai lambat...dlm 8.30pm camtuh....
Sempat la gak snap snap! But kali ni my picture x banyak...mcm xde jek....either i took the picture or my hubby tak snap my picture.....
Sedare-mare....dr Melaka ramai gak la yang datang...
My parents.....dorang dtg direct after work....from Tangkak (my parents' Clinic)
Ni mase pengantin tgh bersanding...malas nk ke depan..amek dr sini....kecik je laa jd nye..
Di hujung sessi.....sumer nk bergambo....pak2 sedare....tok sedare...sepupu-sepapat pon ado....
Ni kaum hawa plak nk posing yerk....nenek ku sengih sampai ke telinge...hahaha

Lps tu...pot pet2 kejap...terus cau cincau....malas ler nk tunggu lelame...lgpun esok nye ada Seminar...whole day plak tuh....
-The Wifey-
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