Sehaaaatiiiiiiiiiiii Berdansaaaaaa~~!!!!

Yeahh...My fren & I went to Sehati Berdansa Season 3 Finale last Saturday @ PICC...
We got free tickets from my fren's cousin who's a script writer @ Astro...
We arrived at PICC quite early around 7.15pm...Thought there might be a lot of people queueing...

At first, they said we can start queueing at 7.30pm..but then they delayed and delayed until 8.15pm...we queued...
But still have to wait for the VIPs laa sapa2 lagi tah yang lembap xhengat kan....kaki aku ni dh sakit..sejam lebih berdiri ok ngn high heels!

Then, after the Family Members masuk...baru laa we all ni bole masuk....time tu dh kol 8.45pm..dh nak start dah..sumer tgh kecoh2....nampak laa artis2 nyer...

Then when the show finished...we all didn't manage to meet the celebs....cos they were in a Press we just took picture at the stage....

We didn't wait for the celebs..we went back for dinner....lapar ok!
We had a blast fun although, two of us...Sorry to my other frens....lupe laa nk ajak....time tu bz so xterpk nk ajak sapa2....
p/s: Thanks to Nadia for the ticket and some of the pictures.....AJL bole dpt tiket free gak ke??
-the wifey-
# by nadiamh - December 29, 2009 at 9:43 PM
AJL punye tiket tak leh nak janji la...nanti kita try tanya Mickey kut2 leh dpt dri org yg keje stesen tv tersebut :p
# by Aishah Noordin - December 30, 2009 at 12:38 AM
Nadia : hehehe...mana la tau bole dapatkan....dekat je..kt depan umah..
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